Let us handle your environmental permits!

Preparing applications for environmental permits is often time consuming and complicated. But now you can get assistance with the applications! Aquarden offers assistance and advice in connection with environmental permits. In fact, we can handle the entire process from start to finish for you.

Aquarden has broad chemical knowledge and experience with treatment of industrial wastewater, environmental requirements, handling of hazardous substances in wastewater, sustainable solutions, recycling of resources, and BAT (best available technique). These are the skills we draw on when we help our customers with:

  • Environmental permits
  • Wastewater discharge permits
  • Environmental Impact Assessments for wastewater (EIA) (VVM-redegørelser)
  • Application handling and dialogue with municipality and authorities

Additionally, we can also advise on which solutions are the most effective and environmentally friendly, so you have a future-proof and economically viable solution for managing your problematic wastewater.

Who Must Obtain Environmental Approval?

The potentially most polluting industrial enterprises must obtain an environmental approval. In Denmark, those industrial activities are listed in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the Order of Environmental permitting (Godkendelsesbekendtgørelsen) (Note 1). Colloquially, they are also referred to as ‘Chapter 5 firms‘ as Chapter 5 in the Environmental Protection Act describes ‘list companies’ (listevirksomheder) (Note 2).

Contact Our Wastewater Experts!

Meet Tore And Martin, Our Wastewater Specialists. They Look Forward To Assisting You – Regardless Of Whether You Need A New Wastewater Treatment Solution Or Just A Few Hours Consultancy Services.


  1. Order of Environmental permitting (Bekendtgørelse om godkendelse af listevirksomhed) Order no. 1517 of 07/12/2016
  2. Environmental Protection Act (Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøbeskyttelse), Consolidation Act no. 1189 of 09.27.2016