At Aquarden we believe all our planet’s man-made water problems can be solved sustainably today.
- Zhuoyan Cai, CEO
Our vision
Our aim is to be at the forefront of the industry by providing novel, efficient, and sustainable solutions to some of our most challenging wastewater problems, focusing particularly on the destruction of PFAS also known as ‘Forever Chemicals’.
We believe some of the most persistent wastewater problems can be solved efficiently by destroying toxins completely and sustainably without generating further toxicity in the process. Our pioneering SuperOx® technology has proven to do so and has provided robust results that outperform other existing technologies.
Today we deliver industrial scale turnkey solutions that are for instance used by the defence industry for the safe and complete destruction of explosives and other hazardous materials.
Prize-winning technology
Since 2005 Aquarden has been developing the ground-breaking process of Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) for the destruction of toxins. In 2016 we received the European Business Award for the Environment in Denmark for our significant contribution to sustainable development and innovation.
In 2023, our SuperOx® SCWO system was awarded the EUROPYRO France Innovation Prize by the French Association of Pyrotechnics for the innovative and sustainable destruction of explosives.
SuperOx® – Complete Destruction of Toxins
Supercritical water oxidation
Environmentally friendly
As a company dedicated to our environment, SuperOx® has been designed to run solely on electricity and is not directly reliant on fossil fuels.
Treatment is continuous and fully automated. In addition, SuperOx® is highly energy efficient as it reuses the heat released from the oxidation of toxins to heat up the incoming water, allowing heat recovery, water reuse, and a lower power demand.
Industries we serve
Aquarden’s PFASinator®
The End of Forever Chemicals
The presence of toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS) in our environment is a growing and acute global concern.
PFAS are nicknamed ‘Forever Chemicals’ as they are extremely bioaccumulative and highly persistent in nature. Through their widespread use in household products and industry, they leach into our environment and can accumulate in the human body for decades causing severe adverse health effects such as cancer and birth defects.
Several technologies exist to capture PFAS in water, but many conventional methods are unable to fully destroy PFAS, meaning significant levels of PFAS remain in the treated water.
Aquarden’s SuperOx® has been recognized as a robust and sustainable solution for destroying concentrated PFAS wastes. Due to the high oxidation efficiency of SCWO, SuperOx® provides full PFAS destruction with no uncontrolled emissions.
SuperOx® can efficiently destroy PFAS in various types of concentrated wastes
- Spent ion-exchange resins, activated carbon, and other sorbents
- Wastewater from regeneration of spent sorbents
- Foam fractionation foamate
- Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)
- Membrane concentrates
- Sludge

A Supercritical Invitation
Aquarden was founded in 2005 with headquarters in Denmark, comprising R&D, engineering, test, and production facilities. We offer full consultation, service, and support.
We invite anyone interested in the destruction of toxins to visit us at or at our headquarters to learn more about Supercritical Water Oxidation and our SuperOx®.
We are always open for a professional dialogue with focus on building long-term partnerships and customer relations.