PFAS Destruction

Aquarden's PFASinator®

SuperOx® For PFAS Destruction

For many, the treatment & destruction of PFAS is a big challenge due to the magnitude of the pollution & the harmful nature of the PFAS compounds. Aquarden believes in onsite and sustainable treatment of PFAS with complete destruction. For this Aquarden has developed a prize-winning SCWO technology SuperOx® to provide a safer environment for our future generations. 

About PFAS Pollution​

PFAS is a highly persistent substance due to the strong chemical bonds within the PFAS compound. As such PFAS is extremely harmful to our health and nature as it remains in our environment and bodies for decades. PFAS is unfortunately very resistant to traditional treatment technologies. Most conventional technologies are merely preventative, where PFAS is typically isolated and removed from the environment, but not destroyed. Even more aggressive oxidation methods are typically inadequate to completely breakdown PFAS.

PFAS remediation typcially involves two critical processes: Capture and Destruction

PFAS is removed from water by capturing the PFAS on adsorbents such as activated carbon and ion-exchange resins. These PFAS saturated adsorbents are either directly deposited in landfills or sent for incineration. Aquarden Technologies does not consider landfilling of PFAS contaminated material a proper solution as it simply delays the problem. Rainwater precipitation on the landfills generates PFAS-contaminated leachate that returns into our environment. The fate of PFAS with incineration is largely undocumented, where toxic byproducts can accumulate in incineration ash, condensate water or spread into our atmosphere from smokestacks due to incomplete destruction -making PFAS a cyclic problem.

An effective destruction process is needed to put a stop to PFAS pollution. We believe that the world now has a sustainable and robust destruction solution with our SuperOx systems.

Taking the Forever out of forever chemicals

Aquarden believes our SuperOx SCWO system is the best current available technology for PFAS destruction. SuperOx can ensure destruction with minimal emissions of toxic byproducts to our environment due to the water-based treatment process. The SCWO process transforms PFAS into fluoride and sulphate salts and the carbon-backbone is broken down to CO2 gas.

Simplified reaction scheme of PFOS in SCWO process.
Simplified reaction scheme of PFOS in the SCWO process: PFOS breaks down to fluoride and sulphate salts and generates carbon dioxide gas.

SuperOx can destroy highly concentrated PFAS wastes like firefighting foam (AFFF) containing >1g/L PFAS. SCWO ensures very high PFAS destruction rates >99.999% where PFAS concentrations in the treated water are typically below detection limits.

Our team has good experience destroying different types of highly concentrated PFAS wastes with our SuperOx:

  • Spent ion-exchange resins, activated carbon, and other sorbents
  • Adsorbent regeneration water
  • Foam fractionation foamate
  • Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)
  • Membrane concentrates
  • Sludge
Aquarden's fullscale SuperOx® reactor.

Download our brochure

Read more in our brochure, “SuperOx® – Complete Destruction of Toxins“, find it our download page!

The Devil We Know:

Description: The Devil We Know is a investigative documentary of health hazards from Teflon. Premier includes footage of public hearings, news reports and corporate ads, along with input from scientists and activists.

Language: English