Webinar: How to handle PFAS

Join his free webinar to learn more about how to handle PFAS

Monday, May 11.th
9.30 – 13.00 (GMT +2)

You will receive information about what PFAS is and why we should be worried about it, how to analyze test results, how to treat and remove PFAS and get knowledge about Best Available Technology (BAT).

  • You will meet 7 acknowledged specialists, all engaged with PFAS, who are ready to share their expertise.
  • You can join virtually and for free on Monday on May 11.th. from 9.30 – 13.00 (GMT +2)

For each half an hour you will receive a 20 minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes Q&A

See full program and schedule below.


9.30 – 10.00     What is PFAS and why should we be worried about it?
By Sarah Hale, NGI

10.00 – 10.30  Hvordan analysere, ta prøver for å få best mulig svar?
By Eirik Aas, SINTEF Norlab

10.30 – 11.00  May PFAS pollutions be treated using in situ remediation?
By Jack Shore, Regenesis

11.00 – 11.30  Hvordan håndterer dagens avfallsbransje PFAS-holdig avfall og forurenset masse?
By Johan Seijmer, Chromafora

11.30 – 12.00  Destruksjon af PFAS med superkritisk oksidasjon – fullskala løsning er tilgjengelig
By Tore Svendsen, Aquarden Technologies

12.00 – 12.30  Fjerning af PFAS fra overvann fra avfallshåndtering med aktivt kull og resiner.
By Subhash Srikantha Rathnaweera, Aquateam COWI.

12.30 – 13.00  BAT løsninger for å møte utfordringer med helhetlig rensing og destruksjon av PFAS
By Oddmund Soldal og Eilen Arctander Vik, Aquateam COWI.

All presentations will be in English or Norwegian/Swedish/Danish.

This webinar was initiated as a seminar by Norsk Vannforening / Tekna Norge but will, due to circumstances, be hosted as a webinar by Aquarden Technologies.

*The webinar is hosted by Demio. Clicking on “Sign up now” will take You to a signup page at my.demio.com
